By Raman Malhotra
This is a self-assessment book for candidates for postgraduate examinations in ophthalmology, principally the FRCOphth Part I. It covers all of the sciences fundamental to ophthalmology: anatomy (60 questions), physiology (93 questions), pharmacology (36), pathology (33) and microbiology (42). Questions are grouped according to specialty area, followed by true/false answers that are all supported with concise explanations. The book can therefore be used for learning as well as practice.The book’s most innovative feature is the set of 21 structed essay plans, covering the major topics of concern in this field. It is notoriously difficult to provide model answers to essay questiosn, but here the authors have developed a new, highly visual approach with the consistent use of icons, to provide an at-a-glance understanding.
Product Details
Publisher : CRC Press; 1st edition (October 31, 1997)
Language : English
Paperback : 256 pages
ISBN-10 : 0340676787
ISBN-13 : 978-0340676783
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