OHI-S Zygomatic Implants for Oral Rehabilitation
If you’re a dental professional seeking to advance your expertise in modern dental practices, we’re thrilled to announce a distinctive opportunity. Our latest course on OHI-S Zygomatic Implants for Oral Rehabilitation is now available and led by none other than Paulo Malo, author of the All-on-4® concept, and his team.
This comprehensive course offers a clinical protocol for using zygomatic implants in total rehabilitation. You’ll learn All-on-4® protocols for zygomatic implant installation along with prosthetic clinical stages of the Malo Bridge concept. Additionally, dental technicians will learn laboratory protocols for manufacturing provisional and definitive prostheses in the All-on-4® concept.
The training is designed for implantologists, prosthodontists, and dental technicians. You’ll be educated in protocols for working with zygomatic implants, a globally recognized skill set.
The following skills will be improved throughout the course:
- Prosthetics on implants
- Working in the All-on-4® concept
- Working with zygomatic implants
- Full adentia treatment
- Working in the Malo Bridge concept
- Maintenance therapy
- Advanced implantation
- The use of immediate prostheses
- Technician’s component of All-on-4®
Participants will also learn about the evolution and history of the MALO protocol, MALO protocol diagnosis, principles, advantages, objectives, and biomechanics of the treatment of the All-on-4® concept, in addition to techniques for rehabilitating patients in extreme situations such as All-on-4® Standard, All-on-4® Hybrid, All-on-4® Double-Zygoma, and All-on-4® Extreme.
Furthermore, the course includes the following lessons:
- The Importance of Total Rehabilitation of Atrophic Jaws. Part 1.
- The Importance of Total Rehabilitation of Atrophic Jaws. Part 2.
- Hygienic Maintenance of the Implant Supported Rehabilitation.
- Zygoma Full Arch Rehabilitation with Malo Bridge Concept.
The course is led by Paulo Malo and his team, respected professionals in the field, who founded Malo Dental International, Malo Clinic, and developed surgical techniques. With their extensive experience and expertise, you can expect to receive a complete clinical protocol of work done with zygomatic implants that is recognized globally.
As an extra incentive, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from the best, boost your skills and knowledge, and become part of a worldwide network of professionals by signing up for our course. Join us, enhance your career, and grow in the field of dentistry.