Diagnostic Electron Microscopy: A Practical Guide to Interpretation and Technique 1st Edition
Diagnostic Electron Microscopy: A Practical Guide toInterpretation and Technique summarises the currentinterpretational applications of TEM in diagnostic pathology. This concise and accessible volume provides a working guideto the main, or most useful, applications of the techniqueincluding practical topics of concern to laboratory scientists,brief guides to traditional tissue and microbiological preparationtechniques, microwave processing, digital imaging and measurementuncertainty.
The text features both a screening and interpretational guidefor TEM diagnostic applications and current TEM diagnostic tissuepreparation methods pertinent to all clinical electron microscopeunits worldwide. Containing high-quality representative images,this up-to-date text includes detailed information on the mostimportant diagnostic applications of transmission electronmicroscopy as well as instructions for specific tissues and currentbasic preparative techniques.
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