Comprehensive Dental Photography Program ( 12 Credit Hours ) (Course)
Offering a comprehensive dental photography program, Dr. Omar Khaled’s Mobile Photography Course is a highly informative and engaging resource for dental professionals who wish to enhance their photography skills. With dental photography being an imperative aspect of modern dentistry for patient diagnosis, treatment planning, and documentation, learning the right skills, using appropriate equipment, and gaining knowledge is imperative. The program includes several workshops and video courses, covering the fundamentals of photography, mobile photography, and photo editing. The 12-credit hour Mobile Photography with Live Demo and Workshop is an excellent course, covering the basics of mobile photography, exposure triangle, problems of mobile photography, and mobile dental photography. The course includes live demos of several mobile photography techniques, such as using LED lights, selfie ring, and Gramachor. The video course is followed by a workshop divided into four parts, covering the basics of photography, essential Adobe Photoshop tools and functions, photo editing exercises, and advanced tools in Photoshop. Dr. Omar Khaled’s teaching style is engaging and easy to follow, making the learning process enjoyable and effective. Overall, the Comprehensive Dental Photography Program is a must-have for all dental professionals seeking to enhance their photography skills in their practice, making dental photography more accessible and rewarding than ever before.